Spyware Lexikon

Anti Vermins - Malware Signatur bei

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| N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Spyware-Lexikon
Bezeichnung Typ Hersteller
Anti Vermins Rogue Security Program Antivermins
OS Installation Gefahr
WIN XP Installed through EXE High Risk


Symptome :
The built in superfast system of scanning and removal.A powerful scanning engine.Active Shield.Detailed Scan Results.User-friendly.Startup Manager.

Technische Beschreibung:
C:\\Program Files\\AntiVermins\\Quarantine
C:\\Program Files\\AntiVermins\\Logs
C:\\Program Files\\AntiVermins\\Lang
C:\\Program Files\\AntiVermins
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Payal Joshi\\Start Menu\\Programs\\AntiVermins

C:\\Program Files\\AntiVermins\\AntiVermins.exe (2146304 Bytes, Application)
C:\\Program Files\\AntiVermins\\AntiVermins.url (52 Bytes, Internet Shortcut)
C:\\Program Files\\AntiVermins\\av.dat (1384032 Bytes, DAT File)
C:\\Program Files\\AntiVermins\\blacklist.txt (50527 Bytes, Text Document)
C:\\Program Files\\AntiVermins\\uninst.exe (41513 Bytes, Application)
C:\\Program Files\\AntiVermins\\Lang\\English.ini (32723 Bytes, Configuration Settings)
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Payal Joshi\\Desktop\\AntiVermins.lnk (622 Bytes, Shortcut)
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Payal Joshi\\Start Menu\\Programs\\AntiVermins\\AntiVermins 2.1 Website.lnk (634 Bytes, Shortcut)
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Payal Joshi\\Start Menu\\Programs\\AntiVermins\\AntiVermins 2.1.lnk (634 Bytes, Shortcut)
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Payal Joshi\\Start Menu\\Programs\\AntiVermins\\Uninstall AntiVermins 2.1.lnk (527 Bytes, Shortcut)
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